Message from Adam
There are many ways to make money writing online, but here are some of the best options. With these, you don't have to be a pro writer. Writing lists is a great because some lists can be very short and you still get paid. There are some more professional options on this list and the pay is better, but they are more strict and require a high level of writing. But all the options on this list are great options for making money online Japan.
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Make Money Online Writing Japan
Here are some more options for you to get money while relaxing on your couch in your home. There are quite a few of websites that pay people to write lists for them. Each website wants something different and some are more serious than others. These are the ten best options for writing online to get money. Find one that peaks your interested and try submitting a list to them. This could be a great way to make money online writing in Japan every week.

Make Money Online Writing in Japan Idea #1: Wonderlist
With this website you can expect around $5 for each list they accept.
Perhaps the best part of this site is that they aren’t as strict about the subject matter like some of the other sites on this list. You are free to write about anything you want! Write a top ten list of places to eat or the top ten hardest things about getting married in Japan. The subject matter is up to you, but you need to make it a list of ten things. This would be a great place to start writing online, get experience and make money online Japan.
Each submission also needs to be more than 1,500 words. Write an article for submission and if it is approved, you can make $5. That is one of the lower payouts on this list but it is also one of the easiest websites to get your list approved.
They pay in US dollars via Paypal or Payoneer.
Make Money Online Writing in Japan Idea #2: Listverse
They pay $100 per list!
The payout is great, but they are pretty strict. They make it clear that only native speakers of English can submit a list with them and the writing quality has to be high. They are one of the biggest websites for lists and there will be a lot of other people submitting lists for approval. They require around 1,800 words for each list of 10 items. Your list can be about almost anything. The lists on their site cover a huge variety of topics, so check out their site for some ideas. This site has one of the highest rejection rates, so make sure to read the other lists on their site to get a feel for the style of writing that they are looking for.
Paypal is the only method of payments that they offer you.
Make Money Online Writing in Japan idea #3: Cracked
$100 per list!
This website is huge! They have over 300 million monthly page views!!
They pay very well for list articles and image sets, but they are also super strict. First you have to go through their prerequisite registration and then submit your list for review. If they like it, they might ask for some revisions/editing and then they will publish it.
If you’re good at humor or comedy this is a good site for writing online because they are one of the most popular comedy websites in the world. The lists for this website are not limited to only ten items per list. You can make money online in Japan if you become a regular contributor to Cracked.
Make Money Online Writing in Japan idea #4: A List Apart
$50-$200 per list.
This site is another site that pays well but is strict about what lists they accept. They are looking for new authors to write for their site, but their standards are really high. After writing your article (not always limited to lists), you submit a rough draft in the style of their website. Then an editor will review your submission, if they like it, then it will be shown to the rest of their team for feedback. They will then give this feedback to you and ask you to make some revisions. An editor will work closely with you to make your article into the exact article that they are looking for.
Articles can be about almost anything and they are usually around 1,500 words. They are a respected site and you could make a lot of money by working with them, but it is going to take a lot of work. If writing is something you are good at, then this could be a website you could write for often and make money online in Japan!
Make Money Online Writing in Japan idea #5: International Living
$225-$350 per article!
Here is another great website to make money from if you are good at writing. They pay $225 for 900 word articles and $350 for 1,600 words. As you can imagine, they have very high standards and they ask you to be familiar with their site and the style of their articles before submitting anything.
They are a niche website aimed at people living and retiring overseas. So, if you live in a different country (outside of America) you can write about your experiences and submit your articles to International Living. Find interesting and unique things about the area you live in to write about and get paid!
This might be a great chance for all you expats living in Japan to share your experiences in Japan and make money online in Japan.
Make Money Online Writing in Japan idea #6: List Gecko
$25 per list.
This is another top ten list website. They are looking for lists that have ten items and each item on the list should have one or two paragraphs explaining that item. Except for sports, gaming, self-help and personal stories, you can write about almost anything that you want. They are especially looking for posts about unknown facts, misconceptions, shocking history and strange stories.
Each list needs to have at least 1,800 words. It is nice that they allow writers to put links of their websites in their biography. This is a great way to promote your own website. They make payments through PayPal and PayPal only.
Make Money Online Japan idea #7: Funds for Writers
$50 per article.
This is a niche website designed for writers and freelancers. This really isn`t a list writing opportunity, but it is a good place to make money if you are a professional writer. They are looking for articles about how to make a living as a writer. So you must be a writer yourself and be making a living through your writing in order to post an article on this website.
They are looking for articles with 500 – 600 words. It is decent pay for such short articles, but the drawback is that you have to be making money as a writer in order to write for this website. You will need writing experience before you can make money from this website.
$5 per article at first. After 10 published articles, authors become “premium contributors” and will get paid $10 per article plus 60% of revenue generated from each article posted. That is a pretty good deal!
This is a sports website that accepts lists about everything sport related. Player statistics, future games. sports records or player biographies are things they are looking for.
They want top 10 or top 5 lists and each list needs to be at least 400 words.
They allow an authors bio page, which is great for people who want to gain exposure as a writer or promote their own website. TSM Plug claims to have over 30,000 visitors daily. Almost any sport in the world is discussed on this website, so if you are a crazy about sports, this is a good site for you!
All payments are made through PayPal.
Make Money Online Writing in Japan idea #9: Top Five Buzz
$5 per list.
With this site, you have the freedom to talk about (almost) anything you want to. Each article is required to have a minimum of 600 words. Proper reference links are also required. They don’t pay much per list, but they are looking for regular contributors. Develop a good relationship with them and you could start earning money from them on a regular basis.
This is a pretty fast and easy way to make some money writing online.
Make Money Online Writing Japan idea #10: Sporteology
$7 per list.
This website is all about sports. If you are a sports fanatic this is the website you should be writing for. They are looking for any sports related article and will pay $7 per article. They want lists with 10 items on them and have at least 1,000 words.
Each accepted article will receive payment within 24 hours and payments are made with Paypal. They also give full credit to the author of the article and even offer backlinks to the author’s website. That is a pretty good deal because backlinks are really important for any website. If you have a sports related website, then you should write for Sporteology for the cash payouts and the benefits from getting backlinks.