Message from Adam
Another making money list! This list will give you a few more ideas of how to earn money in Japan. Most of the ideas on this list wont make you rich, but they are pretty easy to do and they can make some good pocket change for you.
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8 Ways to Make Money in Japan

Ways to make money in Japan idea #1. Rent your drone/Drone Pilot
Renting your drone to someone or get paid to be a drone pilot for events are good ways to make money in Japan.
This option has some start up costs, but who doesn’t want a drone? It would be a lot of fun to have a drone and it would be even better if having a drone meant making some money. If you did have a drone there would be a few ways to turn a profit.
First, drones could be rented out to friends, family or acquaintances. Come up with a pricing scale and rent the drone out. Pricing could be something like 2,000 yen per hour or 5,000 yen per day. Charge as much or as little as you want. Just make sure to not charge too much or you will never get anyone to rent from you.
The next way to make money from a drone is to pilot your drone wherever people need you. This could easily turn into a highly profitable side job if you put in the time. Just think of all the possible situations where people could want pictures or videos from a drone. Taking aerial photos/videos of weddings, making snowboarding/skiing videos, sporting events, music festivals, parties, school projects, hiking, driving on mountain roads, and so many other ideas. Help tourist make memorable travel videos or help bloggers take those amazing shots that will help their blog take off. Since you personally would have to go to the location for these shots, you could charge a high price for your services.
Many people would love to be able to use a drone but don’t need a drone so much that they are willing to buy one for themselves. This is a niche that you can fill and make good profits. Start with your family and friends and ask them to spread the word. Word of mouth is a great way to let people know that you have a drone and am willing to rent it out or to pilot it for a price.
Word of mouth will get you some clients but if you really want to turn this into a side job, then I suggest starting your own website. With a website you could reach a lot more people and start turning large profits. If you’re curious about starting a website, make sure to take a look at my post How to Make a Website.
**Please make sure to check the local laws in regards to drones. Never fly a drone where it is illegal or improper to fly.**
Ways to make money in Japan idea #2. Rent Out Your Gear
Renting out your extra gear are good ways to make extra money in Japan
This is pretty much the same idea as renting out a drone, but for any other gear that you may have. If you are like me, then you have many hobbies. I have a lot of hobbies but I don’t have a lot of time, so most of my gear goes unused for long periods of time. Instead of letting dust collect on everything, I decided to start renting out the gear I wasn’t using. For example, I have a lot of snowboards so I always have extra boards that don’t get used often. I started renting out these boards and it has worked out pretty good for me. I don’t charge much but it is all profit, so it is a good system for me!
Whatever your hobbies are, I’m sure that you have extra gear that you could rent out.
Hobbies like photography, snowboarding, bouldering, paintball or any other activity that requires the use of some gear could make you money.. Even renting out your Xbox could be an option. Try renting your gear by placing ads on JMTY, craigslist or Gaijin Pot. Set a price, get a deposit and start earning money from your gear! Let your unused gear make extra money in Japan for you.
Depending on how expensive the gear is, you might want to consider having a contract for people to sign. This is just in case they break or try to steal your gear. Japan is a safe country, but it is still a good practice to protect your gear with a contract
Ways to make money in Japan idea #3. Shovel Snow
Shoveling sidewalks and driveways are tiring (but good) ways to make money in Japan.
There are parts of Japan that get an insane amount of snow. Why not offer to shovel and get some cash as a reward.
If you live in a snowy area, you have potential to make money from all that snow! Offer your services to your neighbors or local businesses. It could be a one time job or a reoccurring deal.
I live in Hokkaido and we get a ridicules amount of snow up here. I have a long driveway and it would take forever to shovel it by myself, so I pay my neighbor 20,000 yen every winter to come over with his snow blower when it snows. Living here would be a lot harder without his services so I am happy to pay the money that makes winter that much easier for me.
Ways to make money in Japan idea #4. Baby Sit
Baby sitting is a good job in any country and are good ways to make money in Japan as well.
This is a very popular way for people to make extra money in America and it can work in Japan as well!
I’m not suggestion to start a babysitting company, but it’s possible to make some extra cash by watching your friend’s kids while they get a night to themselves. This concept isn’t widely known in Japan so this is your chance to introduce Japanese parents to a way for them to have a quite night alone. Just remember that looking after children is a major responsibility so make sure you are willing to put in the effort to be a responsible baby sitter. If you don’t like kids then this job isn’t for you.
Ask your friends and see if they want a night away from their kids and if so you have a chance to make some cash!
Ways to make money in Japan idea #5. Treasure Hunt
This is one of the most fun ways to make money in Japan!
This may seem like a crazy idea (and it is a little bit) but this is still a legit option. The chances may be low for making a lot of money, but there is still a chance to not only make some money, but to find something really valuable. So buy a metal detector and start treasure hunting!
This is actually one of my favorite hobbies! I bought a metal detector and when I have some free time I use it on beaches or I take it with me when I go hiking. This is one of the bigger “long shot” ideas for making money, but there is still the chance of finding something good in Japan because of Japan`s long history. Japan is a very old country and there are tons of old and historical items to be found here.
Maybe even find some old Japanese gold?
Do some research and find a promising place to look. Beaches offer a great chance of finding something because things are washing up out of the ocean all the time. You never know what you will find on a beach!
One of the bonuses of metal detecting is that it is a fun way to spend time without spending money. After you buy the metal detector everything else is free! Just find a place to hang out outside and you might be able to find something good just under the surface of the ground.
This is an exciting past time and every time your metal detector starts beeping, your heart pounds a little faster. That excitement is part of the reward!
Ways to make money in Japan idea #6. Become a Street Performer
Why not try these interesting ways to make money in Japan?
Ok, ok…. This idea isn’t for everyone, but it still offers a chance of making some extra cash. Street performers can make more money than you would expect. Of course, it takes skill or talent but this is still a possible way to earn extra money in Japan.
Whatever skill you may have, try doing it on the street. Whether it’s with an instrument, singing, magic, dancing, acting or art, use your talent to earn some money. If you’re a foreigner, then you have that added advantage and will have a higher possibility of drawing a crowd.
Use YouTube and search for street performers. There are endless possibilities to try. Just do what you like doing and put a hat in front of you and watch the hat fill with money. Sounds good right!
Don’t be shy. Have fun and earn yourself enough money for a few nice dinners.
Ways to make money in Japan idea #7. Become a Local Tour Guide
A tour guide could be a full time job or just one of the ways to make money in Japan.
Japan is a major tourist destination and the tourist industry is booming.
There are many people coming to Japan from all over the world, but there are so many wonderful places here that most tourists don’t even see because they don’t have a way to find out about them. Or even if they go to all the wonderful places, they probably don’t grasp just how amazing the place is because there isn’t any information in English (or other languages).
This is why local tour guides are so awesome. With a guide, tourists can go to all those wonderful places and get detailed information in their own native language. A local guide should know all the popular spots and all the hidden local gems. If you become a guide, make sure to do some research on all the places you would take people to. Learn the history and interesting facts of all the places you go to and your clients will love you and think you are the coolest person in Japan.
Becoming a guide would not only be a way to make money but you would be helping people experience Japan more thoroughly. To become a guide is super easy too! Just stand on a busy street corner with a sign in your native language that explains that you are a local guide. Charge by the hour and enjoy meeting new people!
I know someone in Osaka that charges 1,000 yen per person per hour and they can make over 100,000 yen in just one weekend! Granted that’s in a major city during peak tourist season, but that is a lot of money in a short period of time.
If you have pride your city, and know all the good places to go, then this would be wonderful way for you to make money in Japan.
Ways to make money in Japan idea #8. Promote Local Businesses
This isn't just one of the ways to make money in Japan, it's also a way to help local businesses!
We all have a favorite bar or restaurant. Why not help drive business for those places?
Next time you go to your favorite place, ask them if they want your help to do some advertising. It doesn’t have to be anything intensive like making a commercial. Just ask if they want you to hand out fliers on the street, hold a sign in front of the store or put menus on car windows. Since you’re a foreigner, they might jump at the chance because foreigners are highly visible and people would be curious about what the foreigner is handing out. Try wearing a sandwich board (the two sided advertising panels that you can wear) and help get the word out. Or this could be your chance to a sign spinner! (You know you want to)
Or maybe the owner wants to start getting more business from tourists. Having a foreigner on the street promoting their business is a great way to get more tourists to come in.
This idea probably won’t make you a lot of money, but it could get you some extra spending money and some free meals. Work out a payment method and get started. Besides the money, it just feels good to help a place that you love.
For more ideas, please head over to The Yokohama Life and read her post about 15 Ideas for Making Extra Money in Japan. While you`re there, make sure to check out her other posts. She has some great insights to what life is like in Japan and some great posts about finances while living in Japan.